To build a strong nation, you need a strong social base. And who is better armed with the ways and means of giving us a robust social infrastructure than a generation of smart, well – read, tech – savvy, sincere and responsible students? They are the ones who have the...
Technology is such an invention that it is under a form of changing constantly. There are a number of people who lead their lives involved in the shaping, developing and the protecting of technology. This is essential so that technology is harnessed for the betterment...
Coding is a step-by-step command that a person has to write down in order to tell a computer what to do. Computers were designed by humans and the way they function are defined through numerous codes. Why is Coding Important? Coding is the empowerment of the digital...
Teachers commonly use technology to impart education nowadays as it is believed to assist in the rapid dissemination of knowledge, in addition to being a useful learning and teaching too. Yet integrating technology into a classroom setup is no joke and is more often...
Inculcating societal values in children is of the utmost importance if they are to grow and develop into positive and happy human beings. Character Education plays a vital role in the development of any child and should comprise an important aspect of classroom...
Truancy refers to the act of students avoiding going to school. It is often regarded as an early symptom of potential delinquency and should be addressed at the outset in order for it to be combated in the best possible way. Build Positive Relationships with Students...