Combating Truancy and How to Do It

Truancy refers to the act of students avoiding going to school. It is often regarded as an early symptom of potential delinquency and should be addressed at the outset in order for it to be combated in the best possible way. Build Positive Relationships with Students...

How Truancy Hurts Students And Schools

Truancy is defined as the unexcused absence from school which also applies to students who are frequently late. There are a number of reasons that make children commit truancy like drugs, alcohol, verbal abuse and frequent moving from place to place and a hostile...

Explanation of Integrated Studies

Integrated studies mean to blend into a whole. All the learning that a person undergoes is a part of integrated studies since all learning gives a person new experience, information or a sense of perspective into the student’s understanding of the way that the world...

Overview of Comprehensive Assessment

A comprehensive assessment is a system of assessing a student’s understanding in order to improve teaching and learning. In the 21st Century, students are taught to think and read critically, express themselves and solve complex problems for negotiating the...

The Evolution of EdTech

Technology has always pushed educational ventures to new heights and has made the learning process a lot easier now than what it used to be before. The evolution of technology in education is something that is worth keeping in mind, to understand how it has come to...

How to Successfully Integrate Tech into the Classroom

Making use of technology in order to teach is now widely common with more and more teachers and students using mobile apps and other technical instruments in lessons. To successfully integrate tech into the classroom and make it useful for learning, some important...