Education and entrepreneur are two words we don’t normally see together in the same sentence. Entrepreneurs are people who work in business and develop ideas and innovative products to better serve the people around them. With that understanding, it seems like a great idea for teachers and administrators to have a few entrepreneurs working in their corner. If an entrepreneur has a solution to a common issue within education, it becomes a win for all. A solution is developed and the business minded individual can also make some money. Not everyone has what it takes to be an entrepreneur in the world of education, but here are a few of the important frames of mind one must be in to be successful and provide genuine solutions to the education system.

Outcome Oriented

In order to be a successful entrepreneur in the world of education, your main goal must be focused on delivery a quality product or service. The better the results, the easier it will be to justify spending the money. School districts are slow and deliberate with the allocation of money, so you should remain focused on providing the best product or service that you can.


Teacher and administrators are some of the most passionate people when it comes to their job. They give it everything they have each day to provide the best experience for their students. You, as an entrepreneur, should not act any different. If you are not completely sold on your own idea, there is no way you’ll convince a school board to spend money on a product that the you aren’t excited about. Teacher can smell out authenticity and passion – if you don’t have that spark, education will not turn you into a successful entrepreneur.

Know Your Stuff

In order to be a business success, you have to know what you’re talking about. Be sure to know what teachers need help with, understand how their problem can be solved, and continue to learn and grow with each teacher.